- NR-UTL - |
!!! ALL UPTIME APPS - WHY 2 DOWNLOADS ??? !!! There is a "Bug" with "GetTickCount"... Win x86 - Uses "GetTickCount" - Works Correctly until "about 20 Days Uptime" - then the "Milliseconds TickCount" resets / goes backwards / goes to minus numbers / breaks...!!! Win x64 - Uses "GetTickCount64" - Works without problems, BUT REQUIRES WIN x64 - !!! WON'T WORK ON WIN x86 !!! |
!!! NR-UTL - NR-UPTIME-LOGGER !!! !!! Automatically Log the "PC UpTime" to a Log File, and / or Automatically Close. !!! !!! Designed for use with "NODE-RUNNER.BAT" , "NR-MULTILOADER", or equivalent Automation Process. !!! Generated Output Log Info can also be viewed in the About Window once run and created - this is the text that is then saved in the "NR-UTL" Output Log file. !!! LOG OUTPUT ONLY WORKS WHEN ".exe" AND "HOME FOLDER" HAS NO SPACES IN THE FILE / FOLDER NAME !!! "NR-UTL" is coded to create its Output Log in the ".exe" folder - it doesn't care it's location - "NR-UTL" can probably even be run from a "Mapped Network Drive"... !!! BUT, "NR-UTL" Output Logging doesn't seem to work from the "Program Files" folder... !!! |