USEFUL COMMANDS:- ===================== DONT WRAP COMMANDS IN SPEACH MARKS WHEN ACTUALLY USING THEM !!! COMMANDS DON'T HAVE TO BE IN CAPITALS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED WITHIN AN APPLICATION !!! - "CALL" - Starts another batch file but doesn't wait for it to load / process / complete / exit. - "START /B" - Starts another program but doesn't wait for it to load / process / complete / exit. - "ECHO" - Displays the text on screen. - ">" - Overwrite the contents of "File B" with "File A". - ">>" - Add the contents of "File A" to "File B". - "TYPE" - Displays the contents of a file on screen. - "TYPE 'FILENAME A' >> 'FILENAME B' " - Types the contents of "File A" into "File B". - "PAUSE" - Pauses a BAT batch file and displays a "Press any key to continue..." message on screen. - "REM" - Used to add comments into a BAT batch file that are not actually processed. - "GOTO" - Used in a BAT batch file to skip to a part further down - used with ":"... - ... EXAMPLE- "GOTO START" at the top, and ":START" at the point to GOTO. - "%TIME%" - Get current system time. - "%DATE%" - Get current system date. - "MKDIR Filename" - Creates a folder. - "RMDIR Filename" - Deletes a folder. - "DEL Filename" - Deletes a file. - "Copy FilenameA LocationA LocationB" - Copies a file. - "Copy FilenameA LocationA LocationB\FILENAMEB" - Copies a file and changes the new file name to FILENAMEB. - "MOVE" - Same as "COPY" but moves file instead of copying file. - "REN" - Renames a file. - "CLS" - Clear all text displayed on screen. - "SET VARIABLE=VARIABLE" - Sets a variable that can later be referenced - Example- "SET LOCATION=HOME" - VARIABLES ARE USED EXTENSIVELY WITHIN THIS BAT FILE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE !!! MENU SYSTEM CAN ALSO BE IMPLEMENTED WITHIN BAT FILES, BUT THAT IS CURRENTLY BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THIS BAT FILE...